The Rally is the combination of a year of hard work, it is all about showing off the effort members have put in through the year via classes in their specialist subjects. Events like Pre-Rally, Stock Judging and Tug of War are off shoots of the main rally with their competitions winners contributing points to the winning club at the Rally. Example information about classes can be found in this 2013 Rally Schedule here.

As it is also a country show there are many trade stands provided by local companies who also give sponsorship to the club, the rally and take out advertising space inĀ our year book for which we are very grateful.

Some of the classes on the day are flower arranging, welding, handicrafts, Cookery, Skills, Hay and Grain, Main Ring, Pre-Young Farmers, Live Stock and Equestrian amongst many more. Each class is divided into many competitions to suite different people and different ages so rest assure there will be something for you.

The floats are also revealed and displayed in a parade around the main ring, afterwards there is a flower and water fight which has no real point but is jolly good fun.